
Port royale 2 where to get ships
Port royale 2 where to get ships

First attempts at slaving the local native people’s failed because Europeans lacked an understanding of what these people wanted. What they saw was something far simpler, a simple nomadic people who had no sense of property or ownership. So when the Europeans arrived in North America they saw neither the civilized culture of the orient nor the “gorilla” slave culture of Africa.

port royale 2 where to get ships

The Africans had proven to be a weak and backwards culture willing to sell its own people into slavery for weaponry to control the lands and become local warlords. The Chinese and the Indians had proven to be a civilized educated culture worthy of their praise. The Europeans saw the Chinese as an ancient and advanced culture (which gave them gunpowder) and had parallel technology. The natives of course rejected this and the first encounters between natives and Europeans was notoriously bad. The settling of America would not take place until the late 16th century when the first missionary settlers felt they should bring God to the natives. In the 15th century Columbus “discovered” America and 10 years later Giovanni Cabotto started mapping it.

port royale 2 where to get ships

Well it’s time for some seafaring action with Port Royale 3! The Brief: Port Royale

Port royale 2 where to get ships